Some relationships are best described by a glimpse into their exchanges... I'm completely guilty of keeping e-mails, cards, text messages, voicemails, and verbatim memories of conversations stored away as a reminder of the people that make hanging out on this planet worth it. I joke with Travis about some of the voicemails of his that I've saved for months because every 30 days when the nice automated voice at Verizon reminds me that I should erase my saved messages, I get to enjoy the ridiculousness of his 2 minute rambling messages and laugh about them all over again.
Maybe I'm just sentimental, or silly, or incapable of letting go... but in lieu of writing a rambling blog entry myself, I'll let some of the people in my life speak for me.
So, here's a glimpse into a single day of relationships... a select sampling of today in dialogue:
Jack: "Do you like banana pancakes?"
Me: "Umm, basically I don't like anyone who would answer 'No' to that question. It's pretty much my yardstick for a quality person."
Jack: "Hi, nice to meet you, do you like banana pancakes? No, you say?"
Me: "Yeah, you don't know this but we're not going to get along."
Jack: "I see, by the way I just bought a griddle. When are you coming over for banana pancakes?"
Me: "As soon as possible."
this is a super official email. you know because it smacks of official-ness.
bunchy which pictures do you still owe me? i think there are some but i am not sure.
ps. bring your camera today.
pps. i think jigs is coming, i hope, and that would be fun.
ppps. i am kinda dressed like an art teacher again today.
pppps. when can we have an italian-movie fest?
pppps. what are you doing tonight?
ppppps. the last two ps's had the same number of p's.
pppppps. all my ps's have proper grammar. be proud. <3
ppppppppppppppps. i can't wait to go to homestead, it's gonna be fairly rockin. okay fine, really rockin.
i hope you get this before we go.
1) For the 3-tiered beverage fountain, I would like my beverage to be:
a. margaritas
b. straight whiskey
c. grape fanta
d. other: ______
2) As part of the party reveling, I would like to experience:
a. the world's worst R&B "comcast on-demand karaoke" on Jane's tv
b. Trivial Pursuit: The Longmont Edition
c. having an artist paint our group portrait in lieu of digital photos
d. other: _____
3) I plan to attend said holiday party on Saturday the 20th:
a. without a doubt
b. had the wrong date in mind but now I'm sorted out
c. with a faux English accent, like Madonna
happy weekending,
Jane the Very Exhausted
ps- Tom and I just had Vietnamese food, and my fortune was "you will encounter fortunate circumstances at different times in the future". Voting preference will be given to those who tell me a fortune that's even remotely better than this one.
Fitzi: "Ha, don't you feel like you're 16 again... you have to ask to borrow the car."
Me: "I know!"
You should not lose your ability to express yourself with the written word. We're one of the least permanent societies that ever existed on the earth. This email message will never be printed and will be lost to time in a year at best. If you download it to a CD, the CD will be unreadable in 10 years. If you print it, it may last 100, but by then, nobody will be able to read anyway because they've also lost the ability to write. If it were carved in stone, as were the hieroglyphs of the Egyptians, people could still read it 4,000 years later. How odd it is. The Incas were an entirely oral society, as were their predecesors, the Wari and Huani and the other societies of Sourth America in pre-Conquest times. Nothing is known of them. The ONLY reason we know anything of the Inca, who would now be extinct anyway as a result of the natural process of time, is that the Spanish "Conquistadores" sent clerics, accountants and historians to document who they were, who were their gods and leaders, so they could justify the Conquest and forced Christianization, a form of cultural and actual genocide. How ironic it is, therefore, that those very destructors preserved them for all time. We only know of the Incas because they were the regime in power (to be conquered) at the time of the Conquest. Without the Conquest, they would be as unknown as the others. I could carry this absurd monologue to its logical limits, however I will abandon that to speak of things more current and interesting.
... Love, Dad
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